Tuesday, September 13, 2005

More Photos. . .

Hi again,

I'm sure you're shocked, but more photos. . .
Me and my friend Yumi at my apaato, sitting on my prized possession: a goza mat. I wanted true "tatami" flooring in my apartment, but since I have hardwood floors, I had to settle for buying a "goza" mat, which looks (and smells) like tatami but is very thin. Also more photos from the mountain park (such beauty within 30 minutes of my home!) and a photo of the main room in my apartment (I have one room with an attached hallway/kitchen and toire and ofuro. Speaking of toire, I must have a mad fascination with the technology here, but I just HAD to include a photo of the control panel on my toilet. Yeah, that's right, a control panel on the toilet--I'm livin' the high life now. . . :)

Cheers! Eby

1 comment:

Rich said...

Ah, Japan (sigh)...the loyal friends, the beautiful countryside, and the digital toilets. It looks like an add from the Japanese Tourism Office. "Discover Japan! Have fun and warm your bum in the Land of the Rising Sun!"