Wednesday, November 16, 2005


In organizing my computer, I was arrested again by this photo. Any of you connected with the Gaskills or Double D Arabians will recognize Sara (and Uncle Den, of course ;) Sara died during my first week in Japan, so this photo is precious to me. She had a long life, and was my companion during many summers-- my partner in so many adventures! For many years, this little mare epitomized my vision of the ideal horse-- she had enough energy to be challenging, but also enough sensitivity to read her rider. She didn't like the arena much, but there's no horse I'd rather be riding on a tough trail! Or barrel-racing; she definately had a competitive spirit! There were days without number that I would slip a bridle on Sara in the back field and take her for a bareback canter in the woods. Of course, those of you that knew Sara also know that a "canter" on her could quickly turn into a gallop-- she was a little horse with a big engine! Yet she also seemed able to read my emotions, and she would adjust her pace if I was sad or tired. I've never met another horse like her-- even on three continents!-- and I probably never will. She was the best little mare I've ever known, and I still miss her, though I'm on the other side of the world.

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