Sunday, February 15, 2009

Try as I might. . .

Well, try as I might, I can't resist continuing this blog. I've decided to keep the other blog fairly serious, but continue to tune-in to this blog for oddities!!

I've recently become a fan of "Kappa," a mischievious little duck-billed froggy creature that hangs out at Onsen. Sora-kun gave me a book of Japanese comics about Kappa and other characters displayed here, including "Usotsuki" (Liar) and "Warumono" (Bad Guy). One of the photos is of a "test" you can take that ends by telling you whether you're a Warumono (Bad Guy), Usotsuki (Liar), Futsu (Normal Person), or Iimono (Good Guy). The test starts with the question: "You have a big apple and a small apple. Which one would you give to your friend?" and continues on with such moral dilemmas. Ok, so it's a kid's book!!! That's my Japanese reading level right now!!!!